Mobil 1 112980 Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid – 1 Quart (Pack of 6)

Mobil 1 112980

About this item

  • Material code – 98KY58
  • Helps improve and extend transmission efficiency, smooth shifting performance and fuel economy
  • Keeps transmissions clean to help provide outstanding performance even under severe driving conditions
  • Significant wear protection which can contribute to long transmission life
  • Helps to provide prompt and reliable lubrication at ambient temperatures down to -54 degrees Celsius

Product Description

Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF outperforms conventional automatic transmission fluids and helps to provide outstanding resistance to oil breakdown and deposits. The inherently high viscosity index and stability of Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF helps to protect against thermal breakdown at high operating temperatures, while still providing outstanding performance at ambient temperatures as low as -54 degrees Celsius. Further, it helps to improve overall transmission durability and cleanliness. Automatic transmissions should be checked for proper fluid levels at regular intervals, and the fluid should be changed at manufacturer recommended intervals. However, this may vary due to your vehicle’s operating conditions. Some manufacturers recommend more frequent changes of transmission fluid under severe driving conditions, such as heavy traffic, hot weather and trailer pulling.

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