Mobil 1 M1-108A Extended Performance Oil Filter

About this item

  • Contains synthetic fibers, which help promote clean oil – to support long engine life and performance
  • Removes more contaminants than conventional filters
  • Reduces resistance to oil flow while improving filter efficiency
  • Withstands up to 9X the normal system operating pressure

Product Description

Oil filters used to be a generic afterthought. But by assuring protection for up to one full year, the Mobil 1 Extended Performance Oil Filter is creating a whole new premium category. By keeping oil cleaner longer, it provides a value-added opportunity to give your customers the convenience and savings that come from being able to go up to one full year between oil changes. When used along with new Mobil 1 Annual Protection motor oil, drivers can go up to one full year, or up to 20,000 miles, without having to change their oil or their filter. Plus, they get the peace of mind that comes along with technologically advanced performance.

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