Mobil 120431-6PK Super Duty Engine Oil (10W30 6/1Qt)

About this item

  • Unique formulation proven to help extend engine life
  • Proven protection against sludge and engine wear
  • 5,000 miles of protection, guaranteed
  • Contains 15 percent more cleaning additive than our basic conventional engine oil to help prevent the formation of sludge and harmful deposits
  • Contains friction-reducing additives

Product Description

Mobil Super 10W-30 engine oil offers proven protection to help extend engine life by helping protect against sludge and engine wear. Mobil Super 10W-30 comes with a 5,000-mile protection guarantee. Because 10W-30 is a viscosity used in many older vehicles, you may also want to consider Mobil Super High Mileage 10W-30, which is specially designed for vehicles with more than 75,000 miles.

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