Mobil 1 Delvac

Mobil 112810 Delvac Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid – 1 Gallon

Mobil 112810 Delvac Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid - 1 Gallon

About this item

  • Material code – 98KH08
  • Helps improve and extend transmission efficiency, smooth shifting performance and fuel economy
  • Keeps transmissions clean to extend life and performance even under some of the harshest driving conditions
  • Significant wear reduction and long transmission life
  • Provides prompt and reliable lubrication at sub-zero ambient temperatures down to -54 degrees Celsius

Product Description

Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF is a fully synthetic fluid recommended by Allison Transmission, Inc., approved against the Allison TES-295 specification. The fluid is designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern, heavy duty automatic transmissions. The synthetic base oil composition enables excellent performance even in some of the harshest of operating conditions. It offers outstanding gear shifting and power transfer performance versus conventional ATF fluids, the inherently high viscosity index and stability of Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF protects against thermal breakdown at high operating temperatures, while still providing outstanding performance at sub-zero temperatures. Mobil Delvac Synthetic ATF advanced technology has demonstrated extended drain, long term friction retention, and low temperature capability. Further, it improves overall transmission durability and cleanliness.

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