WhiteHatBox Affiliate System


1. The Whitehatbox Affiliate System’s fundamental premise is the same as that of all other affiliate platforms: we provide you with an affiliate link, you promote it, and your affiliate cookies are kept in the visitor’s browser. When the visitor purchases the item, you will receive commission.

2. Despite the fact that the WhiteHatBox affiliate program has some significant changes, these characteristics make your marketing incredibly simple and enable you to earn far more money!

3. Typically, to advertise a product, you just obtain its affiliate link, which will take you to the item’s sale page. You receive the commission following product sales. Naturally, the Whitehatbox Affiliate System is also capable of doing this. The distinction is that WhiteHatBox is more than just an affiliate network; it is also a community for discussing software usage, disseminating software updates, releasing new software, etc. Every page on the Whitehatbox website has an affiliate link that you may use to advertise the page. Your cookies will be kept once users access the page via your affiliate link, and you will be compensated if they later purchase any Whitehatbox products. (The cookies will be saved for 6 months).

4. Since all Whitehatbox goods use the same affiliate program, any page or item you advertise on the Whitehatbox website will also earn you a commission if they purchase any other items.

5. Since the Whitehatbox platform has a lot of free software, you can simply offer the free software to your friends or other users by using your affiliate link, and you will be compensated if they purchase additional premium software as a result.

6. If the person you recommend registers for a WhiteHatBox account, WhiteHatBox stores your information as the recommenders of that person. As a referrer, you will gain a lot since your cookies will be saved for an additional three months each time someone you refer logs in to Whitehatbox (as opposed to the six months that regular page or product affiliate links store your cookies for). In other words, if you refer someone, you will always receive commission on all subsequent purchases they make at Whitehatbox.

7. Some of Whitehatbox’s free sites and products require a Whitehatbox account to access or use them, therefore if you promote such pages or products, it will be simple for you to earn recommendations as users will need to download and install Whitehatbox in order to use them.

8. If you use your own affiliate link to purchase the program, you are not allowed to be an affiliate and will not be rewarded. And we don’t start paying the commission until you create the second sale for the same piece of software (when the second sale is generated, the commission from the first sale will be paid simultaneously, and the money from subsequent sales will be paid promptly and without delay). We implemented this to prevent users from purchasing software using their own affiliate links, as a genuine affiliate will never only sell one copy.

Traianus Decius No1
Affiliate Platform

Imperator Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Pius Felix Invictus Augustus


  1. How much can I make in commissions?

Every piece of software has its own commission rate, which is often 50%. For instance, if the program costs $100 and the commission rate is 50%, each sale you make would net you $50.

  1. When will I get commissions I’ve earned?

Every month on the 20th, we pay out any commissions that were earned in the previous month.

3. How will I be compensated?

Your commission will be transferred right away to your PayPal account.

  1. Do you offer affiliates any sales data?

Of course we do. A highly robust statistics system is available on the WhiteHatBox Affiliate Platform, allowing you to track all of your purchases and transactions as well as examine your conversion rates, page visits, visitor refunds, etc. Click here to view more information.

  1. Will I receive a commission if someone clicks on a link to my page or a product, shuts their computer, then subsequently opens it and makes a purchase through the Whitehatbox affiliate program?


  1. Will I receive a commission if a customer clicks on my product affiliate link and purchases other goods through the Whitehatbox affiliate network?


  1. Will I receive a commission if someone I refer to Whitehatbox purchases a product through the Whitehatbox affiliate network?


  1. How does the WhiteHatBox Affiliate System save and use the cookies ?

The WhiteHatBox Affiliate System saves two types of cookies, one is a software affiliate cookie, the other is a recommender cookie. Software affiliate cookies form a collection, every software has its own cookie to save the affiliate cookie. Recommender Cookies have only one value to save the recommender’s affiliate cookie. It goes like this:

Recommender A’s affiliate cookies

[software1, A’s affiliate cookie]

[software2, B’s affiliate cookie]

[software3, C’s affiliate cookie]

[software4, B’s affiliate cookie]


If user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then the recommender cookie will be written as A’s affiliate cookies, and product X’s cookies will be set to A’s affiliate cookie too. The old recommender cookie and product X’cookies will be overwritten.

If user M visits A’s affiliate link, then the recommender cookie will be written as A’s affiliate cookies. The old recommender cookie will be overwritten.

If A is the recommender of M already, and M logs in or browses to the Whitehatbox platform, then the recommender cookie will be written as A’s affiliate cookies. The old recommender cookie will be overwritten.

When a new user registers a Whitehatbox account, the affiliate in the recommender cookie will be saved as the recommender of the new user.

When user M buys product X, if there are affiliate cookies of product X, then the affiliate in product X’s cookies will get the commission. If there is no affiliate cookie of product X, then the affiliate in the recommender cookie will get the commission.

The software cookies will be saved 6 months from the time of writing, and the recommender cookie will be saved 3 months from the time of writing.

Here are some examples:

Who will get commission if user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then later M visits B’s affiliate link of product X, finally M buys product X ?

B will get commission.

Who will get commission if user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then later visits B’s affiliate link of product Z, finally buying product X ?

A will get commission.

Who will get commission if user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then later visits B’s affiliate link of product Z, finally M buys product Y and there is no affiliate cookie in product Y’s cookie ?

B will get commission.

Who will get commission if user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then later M visits the B’s page /affiliate link) or (B is the recommender of M), finally M buys product X ?

A will get commission. (If M buys the product after A’s cookies have expired for example after 6 months, then B will get the commission.)

Who will get commission if user M visits A’s affiliate link of product X, then later M visits B’s page /affiliate link or B is the recommender of M, finally M buys product Z and there is no affiliate cookie in Product Z’s cookie ?

B will get commission.

Let’s ROCK!


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